Currently working on a piece for organ and saxophone quartet. A true joy and, as always a dear adventure. I was visiting my friends in SSQ for a little sax-workshop [...]
Organ, Saxophone quartet
Stockholm Saxophone Quartet (SSQ) is heading west! This sympathetic, equilibristic, outstanding ensemble commissioned "Desire encapsulated" and premiered it beautifully in Reykjavik, Dark Music Days, February 2014. A little story about [...]
Beside my carreer as a composer I am also dragged to the stage, in different ways. Representing The Royal Swedish Academy of Music (KMA), I had the honor to present [...]
PAO Trio had a great time at "Sörmlands musik och teater" in Eskilstuna. They had already made a really nice poster, before the announcement that our drummer Ossian was going [...]
Pållans band had a really nice gig at Bruket festival i September. At this occasion we came up with the one and only Gothenburg version of the band, consisting Paula [...]
Honoured to be represented at Gothenburg Organ Festival! Marvellous organist Ligita Sneibe, with whom I had a close collaboration composing "In time - a fanfare for organ" 2023 will perform [...]
Aretha Franklin, one of the greatest singers of our time, is celebrated by phenomenal artists and an amazing All Star Band. An evocative, simmering knockout swing that must be experienced! [...]
Aretha Franklin, en av vår tids största sångerskor, hyllas av fenomenala artister och ett fantastiskt All Star Band. Ett suggestivt, sjudande knockoutsväng som måste upplevas! Låtar från hela Arethas långa [...]
This was one of my most exceptional commissions so far. I was asked to compose new music for the Medal Awarding Ceremony for The Royal Orders of Knighthood (Kungl. Majt:s [...]
Well done Oscar´s Vocal Ensemble! Humble composer (me) attended the world premiere of my latest choir piece Ikaro´s fall, after a poem by Ebba Lindqvist. Grateful to Sällskapet Ebba Lindqvists [...]
Choir a capella