New piece for organ and saxophone quartet
Currently working on a piece for organ and saxophone quartet. [...]
Currently working on a piece for organ and saxophone quartet. [...]
Next stop Trollhättan! Outstanding pianist Mats Jansson is doing it [...]
Stockholm Saxophone Quartet (SSQ) is heading west! This sympathetic, equilibristic, [...]
I am proud to be the main presenter at the [...]
Among many precious colleagues in music making, I had the [...]
Beside my carreer as a composer I am also dragged [...]
PAO Trio had a great time at "Sörmlands musik och [...]
Pållans band had a really nice gig at Bruket festival [...]
Vocal symphony, extract 1 "Chaos continuum" Gothenburg [...]
Act 1, Nelly's aria "Älskade man" (beloved [...]