Music for the TV-thriller by Lars ”Vasa” Johansson and Maria Hedman-Hvitfeldt
SVT 2007
Dir: Maria Hedman-Hvitfeldt
Producer: Ann-Ci Lifmark
Livet Nord – viola and choir
Nina de Heney – contrabass
Alberto Pinton – flutes
Fredric Bergström – hurdy-gurdy
Paula af Malmborg Ward – piano and choir
Jenny Nilsson – choir
Markus Ahlberg – choir
Jens Möller – choir
Anders Rimpi – choir
Music recordings: Lars Nilsson, Nilento Studio
Barndomsvännen (the childhood friend)
Avspänning (detente)
Tema Bit (Bit theme)
choir, flutes, viola, contrabass, hurdy-gurdy, piano