Beside my carreer as a composer I am also dragged to the stage, in different ways. Representing The Royal Swedish Academy of Music (KMA), I had the honor to present the Finals of Eric Ericson Award in October. EEA is the world’s most prestigious competition for young choir conductors, so I was really honored to be chosen for this task, side by side with Josef Beltzikoff from The Berwald Hall. Josef and I had a lot of fun writing our script and we collaborated both off and on stage in a truly nice way. Alexander Lüken from Germany was 2024 years EEA winner. Congratulations Alexander!
Also during autumn I, together with 11 composer colleagues from The Royal Swedish Music Academy (KMA) prepared for a surprise to our most appreciated chairman Susanne Rydén, leaving her position January 2025. We made a sounding surprise as a gift from all of us within KMA. A six minute piece consisting of 11 30-second-contributions, arranged and put together by the project leader (myself). Special thanks to Musica Vitae led by Cecilia Zilliacus and The KMA office who managed to keep the secret during the whole planning period from February to November, when we finally could ”draw the curtain”, at our yearly feast gathering. As the photo af Susanne herself don’t lie, you could see that our surprise came out well:) In the link below, you can take part of the whole feast gathering; our surprises shows in the end, approximately by 2:10:30. Enjoy!